It’s sometimes an uphill battle mentally and spiritually to stay in a positive mindset while striving to be a child of The LORD Jesus Christ and desperately struggling to be obedient.

As you strive to achieve total transformation and spiritual excellence, Satan sometimes has permission to use certain people to try to infiltrate your mind and feelings with their presence. Satan has permission to do certain things because looking at it from a spiritual perspective, the devil is a necessity. Satan is the reason why you must continually stay in prayer and strive daily to achieve spiritual excellence. And while striving for spiritual excellence daily, it also involves keeping your mouth in holding your tongue and saying nothing, especially when you feel the devil is standing near you inside of a person.
You never know where your test will come from. You never know the next person the devil is allowed to use. It could be a family member. It could be a phony friend who only comes around or calls you when they think you have something they want. It could be an ex-girlfriend or ex- boyfriend. It could be a detective who falsifies a police report and falsely accuses you of a crime you never committed in order for you to cop a plea because you don’t have money at the time for a lawyer. Because you don’t know where your next test will come from and who the devil will use, this is the reason why you must stay steadfast in prayer whether it’s someone trying to set you up, or the devil inside of a person standing nearby you while you’re trying to be productive doing whatever you’re doing in the moment.
When you feel Satan on your neck, whether the evil spirit is standing nearby you inside of a person, or you feel that evil spirit near you while out and about, pray on it. Never cease from praying. Prayer is a spiritual elixir to helping you regain clarity and getting you back on track with positive thinking. Prayer plus positive thinking =’s Satan and his imps must flee from you instantly.
When you withhold your tongue from lashing out at anyone whether they’re trying to force their presence on you with the devil inside of them, or try to force their policy down your throat which has no legal standing whatsoever and lost its steam, maintain a cool demeanor. Look to the future, not thinking in the moment with your emotions. End result? You immediately gain the upper hand on the imp the devil is trying to use in the moment, thus profiting off of them spiritually and otherwise. Be thankful for the devil’s presence because he’s the one that keeps you praying, he’s the one that keeps you seeking righteousness, he’s the one that indirectly helps you build a positive character among people and profit off of his stupidity in longevity.
It pays to think positive because out of every negative situation, there’s something good hidden. When you take negative people and negative situations and double slip switch it, goodness works in your favor.
And their plans are foiled when least expected!
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